The Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Excelixi provides business consulting services, in order to support businesses in the process of certification under the standards of Business Excellence EFQM Levels of Excellence and EEDE “AIEN ARISTEVEIN”.

Excelixi has been selected by the Hellenic Management Association (EEDE), national partner of EFQM in Greece, for the promotion of the Business Excellence Models, based on its high-level consulting and training services. These services are part of a broader collaboration between the two institutions, aiming at jointly supporting and promoting sustainable development and entrepreneurship in the country.

Why a business should adopt EFQM Business Excellence Models

Every business aims to be healthy, profitable and sustainable. There cannot be Sustainable entrepreneurship without Quality and Business Excellence. In order for a business to constantly meet its targets, a series of principles and values are required, leading to quality of products and services, without wasting financial and human resources.

There are hundreds of models and tools for quality management. However, EFQM Business Excellence Models face holistically the theme of Business Excellence and lead a business step–by-step to meet its strategic targets.

The certification scheme based in the EFQM Excellence Model

There are three separate levels of international certification under the EFQM Excellence Model:

  • EFQM Committed to Excellence

   - Approach 1 – Evaluation of three improvement projects for the acquisition of EFQM Certification Committed to Excellence 1 star

   - Approach 2 – Evaluation of the business’s basic systems for the acquisition of EFQM Certification Committed to Excellence 2 stars

  • EFQM Recognised for Excellence
  • EFQM Excellence Award

Which businesses they are adressed to 

All companies or organizations, public or private, regardless of size, even individual departments of companies wishing to improve, maintain and / or enhance their successful course, aiming at sustainable development, can adopt the model.

What EFQM Cerification offers to a business

  • It is a holistic and comprehensive model of business excellence that contributes to the continuous improvement of results: 90% of businesses that have used it, said that their profitability has been positively affected
  • Commits the company to a journey of continuous improvement
  • It significantly improves the business’s results and viability
  • It introduces modern standards in running the business  and reduces risks
  • It offers a world-class Certification: 95% of businesses  that have used it, said that their external reputation has been positively affected
  • It helps a business to become more meticulous and efficient in how it sets priorities, records and implements improvement actions
  • It gives the opportunity of benchmarking with exemplary companies (role models) that implement the same framework
  • It is a practical and easy way for the business to acquire experience and familiarity with the philosophy of self-assessment as a tool for continuous improvement.
  • The company gets unbiased and structured feedback from qualified Assessors / Validators that helps it plan the next improvement actions.

For further information: Mrs. Vicky Nikolopoulou, 210 3739035,