The Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Excelixi offers to Businesses and Organizations green services that have been developed based on the Green Banking philosophy, of Piraeus Bank Group, whereby economy, society and environment operate alongside. The services provided, aim to improve customers’ competitiveness, by reducing their operating costs, their involvement in innovative sectors and their adjustment to new standards.

Focusing on the above, the green services of Excelixi support Businesses and Organizations in taking actions, from planning and design to implementation, adopting solutions and practices that respect the environment and offer significant economic benefits.

Services provided:


1. Rapid environmental assessment - Environmental Screening

Preliminary analysis and assessment of the environmental performance of the business by completing a standardized (by economic sector / subsector) questionnaire and processing of basic activity data for previous years (oil purchase invoices, electricity and water bills, etc.)  

2. Brief energy audit

Energy audit implementation by using a questionnaire. This is essential in order to make a preliminary mapping and analysis of energy consumption and consequential costs of the business per basic uses and organizational structures. In this way, priority sectors are stressed, which could then be studied in detail and interventions for saving and rational use of energy could be indicated.

3. Detailed energy and environmental business assessment

Detailed analysis of energy and environmental performance of the business through site visits and activity data collection/analysis. Analysis of the performance of individual systems (buildings, electromechanical equipment, etc.) using specialized equipment (where required).

4. Environmental Monitoring in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard or/and the EMAS regulation

Development of procedures for the systematic monitoring and recording of significant environmental impacts, associated with the company's activities. Development of procedures according to the standard ISO 14001 or/and EMAS Regulation for the organization of the overall environmental management in the business.

5. Development of Environment Report Internal System

Development of basic procedures for collecting, recording, processing and reporting of data related to environmental management in the business and which cover the main environmental factors (use of natural resources, air pollution, solid and liquid waste, noise, climate change, and natural environment).

6. Reporting System Development in accordance with international standards, in the context of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Development of a system of regular performance reporting of the business (economic, environmental, social, etc.) in accordance with internationally recognized standards in corporate social responsibility (e.g. Global Reporting Initiative / GRI).


7. Green Key Certification

Supporting businesses operating in the tourism sector (hotels, conference centers, etc.) to achieve the GREEN KEY ecological badge certification, by compiling the required accession files and documentation as well as offering amelioration proposals. The Green Key certification, aside from the complete environmental protection actions which are applied by the business itself, offers more opportunities to approach a new, environmentally aware clientele.

8. Definition and economic evaluation of basic environmental improvement interventions

Definition as well as detailed economic evaluation of the suggested interventions for the improvement of the business’s environmental performance is offered. The private costs of preparation, implementation and operation / maintenance of these interventions are compared with the economic benefits (directly and indirectly) arising from their application, and appropriate evaluation indicators (NPV, IRR, payback period) for the assessment of their implementation feasibility by the business are calculated.

9. Product / service carbon  footprint

Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, f-gas) connected with the production of a particular product / business service. The evaluation of emissions is not limited to the stages of the production process carried out within the business, but extends to all stages of the life cycle of the product / service, from production of raw materials to their final disposal to consumers and management of the waste produced.


10. Consulting services for environmental interventions implementation

Consulting services for the implementation of interventions to improve environmental performance. These services include defining the technical specifications and preparation of tender documents, evaluation of suppliers, evaluation of tenders etc.

11. Implementation of "plug and play" environmental interventions

Design, construction, equipment supply, installation, technical testing and pilot operation of the equipment as part of interventions to improve environmental performance that is to be implemented.

12. Environmental Certifications

Supporting businesses in the Environmental Management System certification process, the products / services carbon footprint, Corporate Responsibility Report, etc.

13. Promotion of environmental actions and business initiatives

Campaign planning advertising of the business’s environmental performance or its specific products is offered. Additionally, environmental design / communications activities, development of environmental programs within the corporate responsibility actions that may have already been implemented are provided.


For further information: Mrs. Vicky Nikolopoulou, 210 3739035,