Excelixi, in collaboration with the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award organized for the second consecutive year, at the Amphitheatre of Excelixi on February 18th 2015, an event under the title:

“Turn your idea into a business: tips & successful examples”


Excelixi supports the Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award within the framework of the Piraeus Bank agreement to participate in supporting the institution for five years since 2014.

At the event which was intended for those who wish to participate in the 2015 Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award, Award officers gave advice on how to better present an idea and correctly fill out the application. Excelixi and Piraeus Bank Group officers also gave guidelines for creating a business plan and attracting funding by a start up business. Finally, those who attended the event had the opportunity to listen from the 2014 winners themselves how they turned their idea into a business and what they would advise them.