The Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Excelixi shall be present to the Great Celebration of Business Excellence by the HMA which shall be held on November 18th 2013 at the Athenaeum InterContinental, as one of the sponsors of the event. As part of the sponsorship, Excelixi shall participate with a stand in the Village of Business Excellence which shall operate alongside the event.

The Great Celebration of Business Excellence by the HMA is one of the largest annual business institutions and includes the Award Ceremony for the EFQM Certifications Levels of Excellence, the HMA “Always strive for excellence” Award, the “Investors in People” Award as well as the Prize of the Greek Quality Leader of the Year 2013. The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship Excelixi shall participate and support this important institution to reward Excellence in the business world.

Admission to the event is free, in order of priority. For more information visit the HMA website,